Friday, 30 July 2010

Everyone's sick.

And I feel helpless. Unfortunately there's no magic fix, so all I can do is ask everyone to please feel the fuck better. And hope that helps.


I'm bored. Obviously.

On Tues I went to see Toy Story 3, in 3D, with subs, with my younger sis. It was a good movie, I loved it. Even worth the 11 year wait. And I'm not a patient person. Here's me and my sis being oh-so-cool in our 3D glasses

Sorry for the shitty quality of the picture. Darkness & mobiles don't make the *best* of photos. Good popcorn too. You can never beat cinema style.

I had a driving lesson the other morning at 10am. Which, by the by, is the earliest I'll ever agree to. Thankfully my next one isn't till 1.15pm. Anyway, I officially love driving. Even if I still suck at junctions and stall like a bitch. But everyone tells me that they're the same and you eventually get the hang of it. And randomly stalling at junctions becomes a thing of the past. Which is good, cos everyone who drives behind me gets impatient.

My instructor is ace though, cos she flips them off as they over take me.


Ruth Jay said...

glad to hear you're enjoying driving :) and everyone you've spoken to is right, stalling soon stops happening so frequently and you'll pull away fine in no time! x

Gem said...

Haha your driving instructor sounds amazing!!! Love the 3d glasses! Photo's are a must!! xx

Anonymous said...

Love your brutalness.

Anonymous said...

How old is your little sis znd what's her name? The two of you look like you're having a great time.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. You're adorable.

First and last of 2018

Oh dear. I think this is a new record, one post for the entire year (Technically. I wrote on 1.1.18 but its likely I wrote it a few days bef...