Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Dear lungs, I hate you.

My lungs are disgusting little creatures. Yesterday, whilst I was innocently minding my own business and watching some crap on TV, my lungs were crackling. And I don't mean the kind of crackling that a doctor hears over a stethoscope. This must have been in between my lungs and skin, as you could feel it when you put your hand on my side. Disgusting. To make matters worse, it wasn't comfortable, and this got worse when it felt like there were air bubble trapped under my skin (well, that's what it felt like in the moment) and when one of these things felt like they had popped, OhMyGod did it hurt. I couldn't stand the rattling and did every type of physio I know in an effort to shift it - PEP mask, Acapella, CPT, breathing physio, and just a good old huff. But nope, nothing worked, and I discovered that 3 weeks of IVs have actually made it harder to get the stuff up as I'm not coughing much.

It finally went away on its own, and I was left confused and trying to explain to my Mum that it felt like there was wrapping paper stuck under my skin, as when wrapping paper crackles, that's exactly what it felt like.

That's all, pretty much. Just felt like updating you with this lovely piece of information of how insolent my lungs are (and of course, not forgetting pleurisy who must have a hand in this).


Unknown said...

I've experienced the same thing, it's weird isn't it. Maybe next time get up and go for a nice long walk, might open you up!


Kellee said...

Im sorry dear

MBNAD woman said...

Hey lungs! Leave Megan alone; she's got A levels to do.
Hope you're feeling better today.

Robyn said...

That happened to me when I was 16. The doctors told me I had blown a hole in my lung, fortunately the hole grew back on its own.
It's called spontaneous pneumothorax with subcutaneous emphysema.

First and last of 2018

Oh dear. I think this is a new record, one post for the entire year (Technically. I wrote on 1.1.18 but its likely I wrote it a few days bef...